Admission and Withdrawal of Pupils
- The Principal reserves to himself the right to refuse admission to any boy without furnishing a
- No pupil will be admitted to the school without a transfer certificate from the last school which
he has attended.
- Written application for withdrawal of a pupil from the school / boarding must reach the School Office before 31st January. Any application that arrives after that but before the School re-opens,
will be made with the payment of a month’s fees. If a student is withdrawn in the first term the
fees will have to be paid for the full term. Any pupil who leaves the School on or after June 30th
will pay for the whole year. The same rule will apply for any withdrawal from the boarding.
Fees must be paid by the dates specified on the fee slip. A late fee of Rs. 100/- will be charges per month of delay.
- Transfer Certificates can be obtained only after all the dues have been paid. Duplicate copies of
the Transfer Certificate are ordinarily not issued. In special cases, such certificates will be issued
after verification and submission of an affidavit and a payment of Rs. 100/-.
- A duplicate copy of the report card can be obtained on payment of Rs. 100/-.
- Duplicate transcripts will only be made available to a student if a photocopy of the original is
- Bonifide certificates / certificates of Tuition fees paid will be issued on payment of Rs. 50/-.
- Students who remain absent without prior sanction for two consecutive school weeks shall be
struck off the rolls without explanation.
Curriculum, Examinations and Promotions
- Students are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (Class X).
- Regular tests are a feature. These will be marks for Internal Assessment. Attendance for the tests
are compulsory as final results are declared on the cumulative marks obtained throughout the
- The pass mark will be 40%. A student must pass in each subject including English. Class X
boarders must obtain 60% marks overall to be allowed to use the facilities of the boarding during
the ICSE Board Exams.
- On days that tests are held, attendance for the full day is essential. Students will NOT be
permitted to take the test and return home. If they do, the test will be considered null and void.
- Special arrangements cannot be made for pupils who for any reason whatsoever are absent from
the main exam or any part of it.
- A student who uses unfair means during a test or examination will be given zero marks for that
subject. Repetition of the same will result in sterner action.
Rules of Discipline
- The Management, acting through the Principal, reserves the right to resigning the charge of any
pupil, who is deemed unsatisfactory. In such cases the Principal is not bound to give any
- Late-comers and absentees must enter the late-for-school record or leave absence record in
the diary, to be signed by the teacher and parent respectively.
- In case of leave, written permission of the Principal must be obtained at least 15 days in
advance. In case of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted within three days of
- Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during the regular school hours.
Permission to do so may be granted only by the Principal.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect
towards the members of the school staff will be dealt with severely.
- Attendance is compulsory on the first day of a new academic session and on the day before
and the day after the Easter, Diwali & other holidays. Failure of the students to attend classes
on the mentioned days will be dealt with severely.
- Attendance, adding upto 75% of the total number of working days, is compulsory for students.
- Only in exceptional circumstances should Private Tutors be employed, with the written
permission of the Principal. Teachers in this school are not permitted to give private tuitions
without the permission of the Principal and definitely not to the pupils of their own classes.
- Any kind of damage done to the school premises must be made good.
- Parents and guardians are not allowed to visit their wards or teachers in the classroom without
the permission of the Principal.
Non-Academic: Pupils must attend games and other activities outside school hours when required
to do so and participation in such activities will be deemed compulsory by the School
Authorities. Exemption may be granted on a written request from parents. Such exemption
should not be lightly sought as games play an important part in the student’s all-round